Want to Improve Teamwork & Communication?
Get the #1 team building game & program, Cards Against Mundanity. [IT’S FREE]. Based on a famous research study where complete strangers built the closest relationship in their lives in 45 minutes. 20,000+ employees

How I Can Help You, Your Team & Company
You know those times when everything lines up perfectly and you want to pump your fist and yell, “YES!!!”? We all have those brief moments when we’re at our best. Everything flows powerfully and naturally. Like Michael Jordan shooting the ball into the hoop. Like Adele hitting that impossible note.
Most companies, leaders, managers and teams reach that place infrequently at best. They spend their entire life searching for it, just to keep hitting dead ends.
Two-thirds of companies underperform due to miscommunications, personal conflicts and misunderstandings. Miscommunications cost $4200 to $10,000 per employee, per year!
On top of that, the majority of successful people aren’t even aware there is an issue. 95% of people believe they are self-aware, but only 10%-15% actually are.
Those who figure it out rise to the top. They reap the rewards and create game-changing organizations.
There are common threads connecting how the great performers and teams use their mind, connect with others, behave and courageously lead. I’ve figured this “recipe” out. When people work with me, “peak state” becomes their normal state.
I help companies, leaders, and HR departments, employees build the high performing cultures and game-changing employee experiences, navigate high-stakes environments and develop individuals who easily hits the high notes and makes the shots.

Success Stories
You don’t create business- and career-changing results without walking your talk. I create meaningful changes faster than you can blink. See for yourself.
Keynote Speaker: Culture Change, Teamwork, Employee Engagement & Future of Work
Speaking at 75+ conferences & corporate events in 2019.
July/August: CultureCon, REAL-HR SHRM-Atlanta Leadership Symposium, Indiana State HR Conference, Arizona State HR Conference (Senior Leadership Track), and Florida State HR Conference, along with corporate events and several other HR, sales, and culture events. Speaking schedule & more info
Get Performance-Changing New Manager Training
Check out New Manager Training. Thousands of employees have successfully gone through my programs to become extraordinary leaders and the highest performing managers.
Get My Manager Training to Skyrocket Performance, Teamwork, and Problem-Solving
Provide high-impact manager training for both experienced and first-time managers. Training last from 2 hours to a full day. I also conduct leadership development and team building workshop. Contact me for specific details.
Get The Ultimate Team Building Game [Free] Cards Against Mundanity
Experience the immediate performance, employee engagement and teamwork gains that 20,000+ employees and organizations like Google, Amazon, E&Y, Oracle, and many others have. 99% of teams underperform, have poor communication and don't resolve conflicts well. I've solved the problem for you. Get it here.
My Book : Social Wealth
The how-to-guide on quickly building extraordinary business relationships and learn how to network like a pro. My process works extremely well for introverts. It's sold more than 60,000+ copies. Get Your Copy