I’d love to hear from you. Here are ways you can contact me. Opinions and criticism are always welcome. We strive to answer all inquiries within 48 hours or less.
Contact me
- If you’d like to interview me for your publication, blog, or radio/podcast/TV show, please e-mail me. I will get back with you or my publicist will. Please indicate your deadline.
- If you are interested in having me speak at your event, please check out my Speaking page.
- If you are interested in reposting or reprinting one of my blog posts, please check out my Copyright page.
- If you are interested in writing a guest post for my blog, please feel free to e-mail me.
- If you’d like to share a success story or share your progress, please e-mail me.
- If you are looking for a specific blog post, you can use my search feature on the Blog Page.
- If you’d like me to cover a specific topic or area in a blog post, please e-mail me.
If you have a question on coaching with me, please go to “Work With Me.”
If you have a comment or a question not addressed above, please feel free to e-mail me.
Please fill out this form to apply for business and executive coaching. If your application looks like a good fit, I will personally reach out to you to schedule a time for us to speak within 24-48 hours.
My coaching is a six month minimum engagement.
Please only apply if you are fully committed and ready to start right away if it turns out it’s a good fit.
* I have very limited availability at this time.