Leadership is at the worst level in history. Training isn’t working although spending reached $50B. Only 14% of executives say they have the talent to execute their business strategies. 4 out of 10 technology executives have NEVER done a performance review. Poor leadership is killing all your metrics and money. Help is NOT on the way. Training is broken because it’s not attacking the root cause -poor self-awareness. I explain why this is.

The Global Leadership Forecast 2018 report by DDI, EY and Conference Board interviewed 25000 executives and 2500 HR leaders and notes the crisis in leadership.

The issue alone isn’t training. The challenge is more on the self-awareness side. Your level of self-awareness is never greater than your social-awareness. Most leaders are self-awareness is very poor. In fact, I’d say that number in the 90th percentile. It’s because their blind spots and poor habits derail their organizational success.

Change comes down to pattern recognition and then typically making small changes, 1-2% to get you massive lift and ROI. It’s pretty rare you have to do some major modifications.

I go into why this is and why if you don’t focus on self-awareness (first) all training either fails or gives you incremental change at best.

I give you an example of a CEO I recently worked with and how I dealt with his poor listening skills affecting the bottom line.

Hope you enjoyed, “Why Leadership Training Isn’t Working.”

Sorry, the video cut off at the end (technology!).

Jason Treu
Executive Coach
Author of the Best Seller, Social Wealth and creator of the free breakthrough team building game, Cards Against Mundanity.

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