best team building game

Here is the best team building game to increase performance in any size company, Cards Against Mundanity. It will also increase retention, creativity, collaboration, and communication. You’ll see a noticeable difference in 45 minutes. More than 100 organizations from Fortune 100 to very small business are using the game to build higher performing team. Executive teams, Board of Directors, Sales Teams, Human Resources teams, Operations teams, Marketing and PR teams, and more have already played it.

It’s free and comes with instructions and takes five minutes to set up. You can use it across multiple teams and accrue the results even when people aren’t in the same room. You can also use it over Zoom with remote teams.

Here are three example cards from The Cards Against Mundanity team building game.

Cards Against Mundanity example card Jason Treu Executive Coach Cards Against Mundanity example card Jason Treu Executive Coach Cards Against Mundanity example card Jason Treu Executive Coach

There are two types of questions:

  • There are “conversation starter” questions like [What was your favorite summer job? And why?].


  • And “connection questions,” which are more revealing ones like [If you could pick one year of your life to do-over, which would it be and why?].


The game is question and answer, question and answer. Four to 12 people. Everyone answers at least 3 questions. Pick the top card, read it, and answer it. Put it on the bottom. Next person goes.

To keep it moving, use a two-minute maximum to answer questions.

The leader goes first…answering a “connection question.” Why? Because people will only play as much as they feel free to. When a leader is vulnerable it tells everyone else it is safe to share.

At the end of the “game,” each person has one minute to share one thing they learned about three different people.

What happens? Some groups dive right in. Some groups take a little longer to get warmed up. People cry, laugh, smile and walk away feeling much more supported and connected to the people in the group.

No matter how people start, they finish strong and it carries into their performance. Teams crush their key metrics. Sales teams beat their forecasts. People are happier, more fulfilled and more productive.

Download Cards Against Mundanity here.

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