Want to support the people you manage and/or interact with MUCH BETTER? Here is the magic question to ask (see picture for proof). “How can I best support you?” 

Instead of…

“If there is something I can do for you, let me know?” or “Is there anything I can do for you?”

Why? It puts the responsibility on the other person to tell you. The other way gets zero results.

Just look at Facebook. People say all the time, “If there is something I can do, let me know. or Is there something I can do for you?” I’ve never seen a response back. It’s completely ineffective.

BUT, “How can I best support you?” gets a considerable amount of feedback. So you can help people.

You just aren’t asking the right question in a way to make the person FEEL comfortable in asking for that help.

#peoplemanagement #careercoaching #executivecoach #support #salescoaching #humanresources #shrm #managers #employeedevelopment #feedback #leadership #managingothers #teamperformance 

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