Great insight into why Kobe Bryant alto ego “superhero” creation was his secret for success. You use this exact process too. Working with clients on a brand new process that incorporates this.

Their success exploded (5-10x in weeks) because they suspended belief in what they can’t do to take a leap of faith and instantly overcome their fears and biggest hurdles.

It’s a way to crush your blindspots, hurdles and anything holding you back. You use your authentic self to rise to its ultimate peak to produce the success and evidence you need.

100% success rate.

Read what Kobe did and what they are doing. You can copy this process. Will work for you in minutes after you apply it.

“Kobe harnessed that mindset to prepare for one of the greatest players he ever encountered: Allen Iverson. He became obsessed w/ AI, going so far as to study the hunting techniques of great white sharks:

‘Working harder wasn’t enough.

I had to study this man maniacally.

I obsessively read every article and book I could find about AI. I obsessively watched every game he had played. I obsessively studied his every success, & his every struggle. I obsessively searched for any weakness I could find.

I searched the world for musings to add to my AI Musecage.

This led me to study how great whites sharks hunt seals off the coast of South Africa.

The patience. The timing. The angles. On Feb 20, 2000, in Philadelphia, PJ gave me the assignment of guarding AI at the start of the 2nd half. No one knew how much this challenge meant to me.

I wanted him to feel the frustration I felt.

I wanted everyone who laughed at the 41 & 10 he put on me to choke on their laughter’”

#success #superhero #selfswareness #leadership

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