Great to speak at the Texoma HR Management Association today on maximizing employee engagement, building high performing teams and increasing teamwork, communication and innovation.

We played Cards Against Mundanity (small group team building/performance question-and-answer) to show how quickly you can skyrocket trust.

It’s built off a famous research study where in 45 minutes people built the closest relationships in their lives. 

Trust is everything. It’s THE business performance accelerator. 

Speaking event listing:

I also conduct this as a team building workshop, leadership training and manager training in Dallas, Fort Worth and across the US. (download for free the team building and performance game more than 12000 employees are using).

#trust #HR #humanresources #denison #shrm #employeeengagement #performance #relationshipadvice  #teambuilding #executivecoach #executivedevelopment #keynotespeaker #culturechange (download for free). 

#trust #HR #humanresources #denison #shrm #employeeengagement #performance #relationshipadvice  #teambuilding #executivecoach #executivedevelopment #keynotespeaker #culturechange SHRM SHRM-Atlanta

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