Looking forward to speaking in Atlanta tomorrow on how to build high performing and engaged culture for sales teams. See the sign-up link below at Vonage office w/ MarketSource Inc..
We’ll also be discussing how to create great teamwork, resolve conflicts and more effectively communicate. This information can also be used with customers and prospects to close more deals and upsell
This is interactive. Attendees will play Cards Against Mundanity in small groups to experience what it feels like to build deep, trusted relationships in minutes. Everyone will get a PDF version of the game (& you can buy physical card deck). 25,000+ managers and employees are using it.
Cardsagainstmundanity.com (free pdf version) and physical card deck game (https://www.drivethrucards.com/m/product/272383)
I conducted similar keynote presentations this year at the AA-ISP Executive Leadership Retreat and at several chapters including Dallas, Austin, New York and Raleigh.
#atlanta #aaisp #vonage #marketsource #b2bsales #insidesales #culture #teamwork #salesmanagers #teambuilding #leadership #salesmeeting #keynotespeaker #cardsagainstmundanity #speaker #managertraining