Here’s how to create a great feedback process for events, product launches, and major milestones. It will help you and your team/organization make continuous improvements that will show up in your products, services, and other outcomes.
Navy Seals use the below process. It’s why they are the best in the world.
Pixar uses a similar process called the Brain Trust. Their president has said all their movies suck in the beginning. So they get the team working on the movies together at certain points to provide feedback. This feedback is what shapes the movies improvement. I was fortunate to work there and see this in action.
You need to also create rules of engagement such as:
- The feedback needs to be about the outcomes and process, not the person.
- Everyone needs a chance to speak (and I suggest the most junior people go first. If not, you can get confirmation bias.)
- etc.
Feedback Process for Major Events, Product Launches, Milestones, etc.
1) “What were our intended results?”
2) “What were our actual results?”
3) “What caused our results?”
4) “What will we do the same next time?”
5) “What will we do differently?”