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Your brain is wired for survival, not to make you happy. It’s designed to question everything and be negative.

So negative self-talk is natural and we all do it because its purpose is to keep us safe from harm. But negative self-talk, left unchecked, can leave you feeling as though you aren’t enough, and exacerbate comparison and perfectionism. This can be crippling for your business and career success (and your personal life as well).

It may be subtle, but a negative core belief will have a serious impact on your success and fulfillment in business and life.

Awareness is the first and vital step.

Become aware that this self-talk is going on. Be aware, too, that you are constantly telling yourself something.

You are constantly creating the life you are living right now. You are constantly telling yourself a story. You are constantly thinking about your story. You may even be telling others your story when you complain to them about your life.

If you struggle with negative thoughts and self-sabotage, I recommend checking out The Dialectical Skills Behavior Workbook. It has excellent exercises and techniques to help get around mental challenges and roadblocks.

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