Relationship SuperCharger #1
I’m going to share with you ways you can supercharge your business relationships quickly. Here is #1.
Supercharger #1: Putting People First
I’m going to share with you ways you can supercharge your business relationships quickly. Here is #1.
Supercharger #1: Putting People First
I was in the market for earbuds back in November and made a mistake. I don’t want you to do the same thing. I got the Bose earbuds over Apple.
They were “supposedly” water resistant. Well, they weren’t. It’s been a huge pain to get a new pair, and now I was told I have to purchase a new pair. That isn’t happening.
Bose was pretty clunky. It was challenging to pair them sometimes with devices, and the app didn’t work great. The sound was good, but that was it. The battery life was horrible. I was always running out of power.
So I said screw it, I’m going to Apple (which I should have done in the first place).
Here are 20 TED Talk recommendations from experts that have given successful TED talks (and I’m grateful I was included in this list). Here are four of them below from Mel Robbins, Dr. Shauna Shipiro, Lori Harder and me!
Quick Lesson #3: “Will I be more or less fulfilled in 5 years if I do this?”
Is a great question to ask yourself to guide your decisions.
It’s not about happiness. It’s not about success (alone). It’s about the highest level, fulfillment.
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To take a calculated risk, you have to believe in yourself & believe that you can pick up the pieces after failure.
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Quick lesson #1: Failure does the most damage in your life when it negatively affects what you do next. Ego, lessons, etc. are painful, but there is no future negative impact unless you allow it.
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