by Jason Treu | Mar 9, 2018
Here are 20 TED Talk recommendations from experts that have given successful TED talks (and I’m grateful I was included in this list). Here are four of them below from Mel Robbins, Dr. Shauna Shipiro, Lori Harder and me!
by Jason Treu | Mar 9, 2018
Forgiveness is a unilateral step, which means that it only takes one person to forgive. So, this means that you alone are responsible for forgiving or accepting forgiveness. You don’t have to include the other person in the process. That means you are in charge. You hold the ultimate power. So let it go!!!
by Jason Treu | Mar 7, 2018
I was out at dinner last night in Los Angeles with a very good friend from college. We’ve lost touch over the years, but we’ve got a chance to see each, here and there. It’s always nice to see him because we just pick up where we left off.
We were talking about losing touch with people and the power of reaching out and reconnecting.
And there are A LOT of people that never try to reach out again after they haven’t spoken with a friend in a long time.
So I asked myself this morning: Is the fear of reaching out greater than the regret of never doing it?
It’s hard to take the first step. But it is much worse to live with “could of, should of.”
Independently of that conversation, I’ve been asking successful people what their biggest 3 regrets are as they look back over their life.
Hint: it’s not about working more!
Here are the top 3:
by Jason Treu | Mar 7, 2018
The most transformative leaders understand and stay curious about how emotions affect them and understand the emotions of the people they engage with. I call this understanding their emotional landscape.
A critical skill set in being a great leader and in selling (ideas or products) is having empathy for others. Well, you can’t empathize with the emotions of other people if you can’t understand your own.
Also, your emotions are highly contagious. They spread faster than a cold on an airplane. If you are negative and unhappy, you will impact everyone around you including their performance.
What can you do? Spend time cultivating your emotional intelligence by:
- Monitoring your impulsive actions: It’s rising above arguments, jealousies, and frustrations. The number one way here is to wait to respond to others especially when you feel strong emotions coming on. Also, don’t get involved in negativity or gossip. Bridge the conversation to something else if you are in a conversation where someone turns negative.
- Improving your self-awareness: Be aware how your moods, behaviors, and actions are affecting you and other people.
- Being more empathetic: It’s about putting yourself in other people’s shoes and seeing a situation from their point of view. Try to imagine yourself being them in a situation and thinking about how you’d feel and act. You don’t need to have the same experience as them though. It’s about a common emotional experience. For example, you don’t have to be fired to know what disappointment feels like.
Want to increase your team performance? Get your team to be more creative? You can do that in 45 minutes or less. Get my free teambuilding game, Cards Against Mundanity.
by Jason Treu | Mar 6, 2018
Quick Lesson #3: “Will I be more or less fulfilled in 5 years if I do this?”
Is a great question to ask yourself to guide your decisions.
It’s not about happiness. It’s not about success (alone). It’s about the highest level, fulfillment.
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