Speaking event at Texoma HR Management Association

Great to speak at the Texoma HR Management Association today on maximizing employee engagement, building high performing teams and increasing teamwork, communication and innovation.

We played Cards Against Mundanity (small group team building/performance question-and-answer) to show how quickly you can skyrocket trust.

It’s built off a famous research study where in 45 minutes people built the closest relationships in their lives. 

Trust is everything. It’s THE business performance accelerator. 

Speaking event listing: https://thrma.org/event-3319012

I also conduct this as a team building workshop, leadership training and manager training in Dallas, Fort Worth and across the US.


CardsAgainstMundanity.com (download for free the team building and performance game more than 12000 employees are using).

#trust #HR #humanresources #denison #shrm #employeeengagement #performance #relationshipadvice  #teambuilding #executivecoach #executivedevelopment #keynotespeaker #culturechange


CardsAgainstMundanity.com (download for free). 

#trust #HR #humanresources #denison #shrm #employeeengagement #performance #relationshipadvice  #teambuilding #executivecoach #executivedevelopment #keynotespeaker #culturechange SHRM SHRM-Atlanta

How to Create Company Values That Drive Behaviors and Performance

90% companies who create value statements for employees to follow are completely wasting their time. Brene Brown (In her new book), Gartner Group & other research show that employees aren’t living out those values in their behavior. BUT they can be powerful if you have a structured process to create company values.

Here’s a test to see if you know your company values and if they make an impact:

“Can you tell a story about something that happens in your company that would not happen anywhere else? What company values does the story line up with?”

Not many people can answer that. 

Here is a process you can use to create game-changing values. 

1) Create a short list of guiding principles for your company. I’d keep it to three.

2) For each value write out the behaviors an employee needs to exhibits in order to embody it.

3) Each month, take one of those principles and focus on it. Market it, educate and show examples of it. 

4) Reward employees for exhibiting that one principle.

5) Include it in performance check-in reviews, bonuses, etc. 

6) For hiring, use values to focus on cultural contribution rather than cultural fit  so you hire diverse people rather just people who think alike.

#companyculture #values #humanresources #shrm #performance #employeeengagement #leadership #exec #executivecoach 

Speaking at Social Media Dallas on 4/18 at 6:30pm

I’ll be speaking at Social Media Dallas event on Thurs, April 18 at 6:30pm on building the highest performing & most engaged teams (and on maximizing employee engagement). We will addressing how this specifically affects social media teams, public relations agencies, marketing and advertising professionals and many others.

We will be playing my game Cards Against Mundanity (group question-and-answer game) that skyrockets trust in minutes. It’s based on a research study where participants created the closest relationship in their lives in 45 mins. 1,000 employees have played it in companies such as Amazon, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Gillette, Oklahoma City Thunder, Google & many others.

TICKETS HERE: https://www.smdallas.org/event/social-media-dallas-presents-jason-treu/?fbclid=IwAR2LSpIDV69Iemyusb-IK-L5ynPJOavGOJD6sfilzFPncJ6v3unJIiZ7y7c

Seek out Discomfort Because It’s Really Your Friend

Get comfortable being uncomfortable. 

Get confident being uncertain. Don’t give up just because something is hard. If it wasn’t hard what’s the point in doing it.

Pushing through challenges is what creates massive growth and learning.

Plus, that’s when you feel MOST alive.

Seek out discomfort. It’s your friend not your enemy.

#growth #careeradvice #coaching #leadership #manager #executive #challenges #success 

2019 is THE Watershed Year For Tech Company IPOs

The IPO craze and bonanza is finally upon us. The dam has broke and the IPO water is finally flowing. The most valued and prized private companies are going public. We’ve seen S1s from Lyft, Pinterest, and Zoom. There is a high likelihood we will see more. These could include Uber, Slack, Airbnb, and many others.

There are benefits to this (but not to the soaring prices of real estate in San Francisco):

1) We will figure out the true valuations of these tech companies. You need an event like this to make it happen.

2) Money from this liquidity event will cycle back into the market creating a whole host of new ventures. Innovation and creativity are back. That’s exciting.

3) Excitement and new-born confidence in the startup market will bring additional funding.

4) Acquisition market will heat up as these newly public companies will make their own investments.

5) Individuals in these organizations will purchase things injecting money into the overall economy.

It’s been a while since we’ve seen the IPO market heat up. I’m glad it’s back.

startup #ipo #zoom #pinterest #publicmarkets #venturecapital #VC #uber #innovation #acquisition #funding #economy

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