by Jason Treu | Jan 10, 2019
Your level of “self-awareness” is ceiling on your career/business success, management, leadership and relationship abilities and overall happiness.
Let me explain why.
Oprah talked about this last year in an interview (about her business journey).
“If you’re not talking about the trauma (and unconscious patterns sabotaging your success), you’re talking about the wrong thing. It’s not about “what’s wrong with that person?” but rather “What happened to that person?””
Every person eventually hits their ceiling where their skills/abilities tap out, which leads to much lower performance and negative outcomes.
The only way to break through is to understand the root problems of why you are stuck (which includes pattern analysis to understand how you got there either through learned behaviors and/or trauma (which can be anything that caused you pain)).
The CEO who is a poor listener and doesn’t take feedback may lack information on how to do it. They may also have grown up in a household of six children where they had to shout over people to get heard. So they learned listening wasn’t useful.
If you just gave the CEO feedback, they’d often reject it because our mind is wired for survival (ie don’t tell me I’m broken). If you point out a pattern, you don’t engage your fight/flight part of your brain and they won’t often reject it.
You then can create very subtle/simple solutions to remove this barrier. Things such as talking last in meetings, asking more why questions in conversations, practicing empathy, etc.
You’ll instantly be back on track major significant progress.
But if you don’t, you’ll this ceiling will crater your life as it leads to bringing to rock bottom.
100% of people will go through this. The difference is who takes action and who doesn’t.
by Jason Treu | Dec 18, 2018
Excited to be selected as a speaker for the Twin Cities SHRM (Society For Human Resources Management) Spring Conference in May. One of the largest Human Resources Management chapters w/ 1000+ members.
I’ll be speaking on employee engagement & building the highest performing teams.
We’ll be playing my game, CardsAgainst, in the session that 10,000+ people are using to maximize their performance. Companies such as Amazon, Google, Southwest Airlines, Blue Cross Blue Shield, E&Y, CareHere, PRSA, Microsoft, Oracle, Worldwide Express and many others are using it to maximize employee and team performance and create the highest performing organizational culture.
Details are here and more will be announced shortly.
by Jason Treu | Dec 18, 2018
How to get great feedback in every meeting you lead:
1) Open a meeting and go through the agenda.
2) Ask a question you want feedback/help, brainstorm a topic or get ideas on a problem that needs solving.
3) Next, go around the room and ask for each person to give their viewpoint before the leader shares their thoughts.
Why? So that people aren’t catering to what they think the leader wants to hear.
#leadership #shrm #humanresources #executives #manger #CEO #meetings #problemsolving #productivity #executivecoach
by Jason Treu | Dec 18, 2018
The weakest (and most underperforming to their potential) leaders use “I” 2x as often as their peers. Focus on contribution and creating the environment for others to do the same.
#leadership #success #shrm #hr #productivity #career
by Jason Treu | Dec 14, 2018
Here is another example of what Cards Against Mundanity corporate team building can do for your team and organization. You can also use it as individual and with your interactions with any 3rd parties such as customers, prospects, partners, etc. It also works extremely well for franchise organizations, private equity, venture capital investors, etc.
You can download the game (with instructions) for free and/or inquire about the workshop I conduct. It averages 20%+ increase in trust, team closeness and engagement in 45 minutes. That translates into double-digit increases in key metrics.
What’s the secret: It rockets trust in minutes that would normally take five years or decades (and I have a survey tool to measure it). The key is getting people to vulnerably self-disclose information in a safe environment (which creates psychological safety).
Cards Against Mundanity has been played by more than 10000+ people. It’s being used in leading companies such as Amazon, Southwest Airlines, Ernst & Young, Google, Microsoft, Oracle, PRSA, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Phillips May Corporation, Worldwide Express, CareHere, Oklahoma City Human Resources Society and many others.
“Jason’s presentation was really resourceful and opened up managers at our organization to have conversations on best practices to lead their teams. His workshop and game helped to build cohesion between managers from different departments. Jason has a very interactive approach to his coaching that provided managers to have some practical lessons at the end of the session. We are very fortunate to have him present to our managers, he is an inspiring leadership coach that provided management lessons through his past experiences. I highly recommend Jason’s training sessions and presentations to spark innovation, motivate employees, and improve leadership skills within your organization.”
Patrick Mandapaka, PhD, AICP, Assistant Director, Transportation Department, Houston-Galveston Area Council
by Jason Treu | Dec 12, 2018
Here is a great question to ask yourself. “In 2018, what percentage of the time did I choose courage over my comfort zone?”
Courage will require you to be vulnerable. It will ensure you make more mistakes. Because the more you move into uncertainty and innovation the more things that can/will not work out (and will require you to pivot).
Courage requires you to do the things you don’t want to do. It requires you to change, grow and look deep in your accountability mirror.
It’s easy to stay in your comfort zone, especially when things are going well. But eventually your skills and abilities will hit a ceiling. It’s a certainty. And if you wait until they do, you’ll be guaranteed frustration and failures.
Did you choose comfort over courage?
Choose courage over comfort in 2019.