RTG Podcast Discussion

Salespeople Are The Unsung Heroes of the Economy. They are the grease that keeps the wheels spinning. Human resources professionals are the heart and soul of an organization (i.e. the people!!).

(podcast is here, youtube here)

I mean, who else could sell ice to the Eskimos? Get a bunch of people from different backgrounds and worlds to effectively come together and work as a team?

But with the pressures they face and the breakneck schedules they work with day-in-day-out, how do they take the time to slow down and find meaning in their endeavors?

Jason Treu tells his own story in this video.

Jason Treu’s biography:

Jason Treu (Troy) is a coach who works with executives, entrepreneurs and rising stars to maximize their leadership potential and performance. He also helps them build and execute their career blueprint. He’s the best-selling author of Social Wealth, a how-to-guide on building extraordinary business relationships, which has sold more than 60,000 copies. He hosts the podcast show, Executive Breakthroughs, bringing game-changing CEOs, entrepreneurs, and experts that share their breakthroughs and breakdowns. Jason talks about being self-aware and how important this is to be successful. He talks and provides examples of people who ruined it for themselves by not being able to adjust and work on themselves. Jason gives advice on how to overcome your flaws and be better at life. This is a great Podcast to get some life coaching in and get an insight into Jason and Stefan’s look on life.

Podcast Summary:

0:00 – Ex: “A really good quote” or A very interesting topic

1:25 – “how did you get started in what you do?”

2:25 – Jason created a company to help people socialize

4:00 – “how does a guy have a good social life these days?”

6:45 – self-awareness is the most underrated quality

9:00 – no one is being accountable these days for personal actions

10:00 – as a kid you learn to deal with things a certain way which become worse as you get older but subconsciously you do it

17:50 – Stefan talks about his date where she accused him of not being from the high school he said

19:45 – “imposter syndrome” Jason explains what this is

22:15 – Stefan talks about how people, as you get more successful cant, relate to each other

23:40 – “when do you think a person goes from illegitimate to legitimate

26:05 – people don’t like to sell cause they have to face rejection

27:30 – Stefan asks Jason about his book

Get Connected with Jason:

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/JasonTreuExecutiveCoaching/

Twitter – https://twitter.com/jasontreu

Website – https://jasontreu.com/

Instagram  – https://www.instagram.com/jasontreu/

Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/c/jasontreu

LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasontreu

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