If Employees Are NOT Speaking Up Here is Why

If employees aren’t speaking up, look at your culture before you blame them. Leaders need to take a hard look at the environment they are creating (consciously or unconsciously).

Creating a suggestion box or conducting an employee survey isn’t enough. Leaders need to stop punishing dissent & instead reward raising issues & proposing ideas/improvements. 

Build psychological safe environments & reward the behaviors that promote engagement and problem-solving. 

My Team Building Speech at PRSA Southwest District Conference on Building the Highest Performing Teams in Minutes

You can see above the great discussions that went on today in Houston at the PRSA Southwest District Conference at my presentation on team building.

Click on the above links to the see the small group interactions.

We discussed how to build the highest performing teams today. We also played by team building game, Cards Against Mundanity, in small groups so everyone could interactively experience why these strategies and tools will help them perform, collaborate and communicate much, much better.

Teamwork is the most important soft skill moving forward (slightly ahead of self awareness). It’s the least understood and very few people can run great teams. But it’s a critical skill everyone needs. You aren’t born with it. You have to learn it just like a technical skill and it’s just as complicated. But there are is a fast track process to building great teams. And you can apply it to third parties such as customers, partners, media and analysts.

CardsAgainstMundanity.com – Get the free PDF game and consider doing either an in-person workshop or assisted remote one. Soon I’ll be launching a physical, poker style cards you can use.

How Are You Perceived at Work? Here is a Test to See

How are you perceived at your organization? (See a test below). Most people are often uncertain or unaware of what they project. This lack of self-awareness kills our progress and career. 

What we intend to project is often different than our impact. For example, we may believe we are open to feedback, but other people may experience we are closed off. We may think we listen, but other people may perceive we speak over them. Intent doesn’t equal impact.

Here’s a test to gauge how people perceive you:

Ask 6 people you work w/ two questions.

1) What do you think other people perceive as my greatest strengths and challenges?

2) What’s one thing I could do that would have the biggest impact on my performance and perception?

Resist the temptation to debate or question. Only seek information to clarify and/or to get examples. Thank people at the end. Not everyone may be willing to be candid. That’s ok. Find others that will.

After you get the data, look for patterns. Come up with specific actions to close the gap on how others perceive you and how you perceive yourself. 

Trust is Contextual not Blanket

“Do I trust this leader, individual or organization?” is rarely the right question.  That assumes “blanket trust.”

Trust is typically more about the context of situation or interaction. You might trust your plumber to fix your pipes, but not to give you financial advice. You may trust XYZ’s product, but you may not trust it’s a great place to work at.

Instead ask, “Do I trust [person/organization] to do [what]?” Then it’s directed at the specific situation and not a blanket statement.

This also goes to the nature of trust and how we use in the world and with relationships!

Emotional Intelligence in Business Conversations

Many times you can’t choose the emotions you feel (although your self-awareness and thoughts can dictate quite a bit). BUT you CAN choose which emotions you share (and react to).

Self-awareness and emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize your emotions and your emotional landscape.

It’s also in part recognizing filtering them and learning how to express them appropriately and respectfully in business settings.

The old adage think before you speak also works with your emotions!

Learn to Say NO in Business

Just say no immediately than say yes and then drop the ball because your too busy (and you knew you were when you said yes). Key point: Manage expectations appropriately. 

If you’re not going to make time, don’t give people false hope. Just set boundaries and tell them the truth.

And perhaps you could help them in a week, month, etc. Tell them that and have them check back in with you. 

Speak your truth and others will respect you.

#leadership #manager #hr #selfawareness #communication #boundaries #relationshipadvice #growth #executivecoach #development 

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